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curve of time equation 时差曲线
curve of tons per inch immersion 每英寸吃水吨数曲线
curve of tons per inch immersion 英寸吨曲线
curve of transverse metacenter 横稳心曲线
curve of transverse metacenters 横稳心曲线
curve of volumes of total displacements 总排水体积曲线
curve of water level 水位变化过程曲线
curve of water level 水位曲线
curve of water plane areas 水线面面积曲线
curve of weight 重量曲线
curve of weights 船重曲线
curve plotter 绘图器
curve plotter 曲线描绘仪
curve tracing 曲线跟踪
curve 曲线;弯曲部;曲线
curve 曲线曲线图曲线板
curve 曲线曲线图曲线板弄弯
Curve 水曲
curved beam 弯曲梁
curved channel 弯曲航道
curved characteristic 弯曲特性
curved grillage 扭曲格栅
curved line 曲线
curved mole 弧形防波堤
curved pipe 弯管
curved reflector 弧型反光器
curved stem 曲线型首柱
curved surface 曲面
curved 弄弯的
curves of equal horizontal magnetic force 等水平磁力曲线图
curves of equal magnetic dip 等磁倾角曲线图
curves of equal magnetic variation 等磁差曲线图
curves of equal vertical magnetic force 等垂直磁力曲线图
curves of magnetic dip 等磁倾角曲线图
curves of total magnetic force 等磁力曲线图
curves of total magnetic intensity 等磁力曲线图
curvilinear equation 曲线方程
curvilinear regression 曲线回归
curvilinear 曲线的
curvity 曲率
curvometer 曲线仪
curwater stem 首破浪材
cushion area 气垫面积
cushion blocking 减震垫
cushion craft 气垫船
cushion cylinder 缓冲筒
cushion cylinder 气垫缸
cushion effect 缓冲作用
cushion lift 气垫升力
cushion mechanics 气垫力学
cushion packing 防震衬垫
cushion packing 减震衬垫
cushion pad 缓冲垫
cushion plate 缓冲垫
cushion pressure 气垫压力
cushion seal 气垫密封
cushion ship 气垫船
cushion socker 防震管座
cushion socket 防震插座
cushion socket 防震管座
cushion spring 座垫弹簧
cushion stiffness 气垫刚性
cushion system 气垫系统
cushion valve 缓冲阀
cushion 弹性垫
cushion 垫子;缓冲器;减震器
cushionborne mode 垫升航态
cushioned socket 防震插座
cushioning effect 缓冲作用
cushioning material 衬垫材料
cushioning material 弹性垫料
cushioning material 减震垫料
cushioning pocket 缓冲空间
cushioning 加软垫
cushioning 加软垫缓冲
cusoms launch 海关艇
cusp 凹劈
cusp 尖角
cusp 尖角;沙滩的突角;尖头
cusparia bark 克斯伯里亚树皮
cuspate bar 三角沙洲
cuspate foreland 三角岬
custodian fee 保管费
custodian 保管人
custodian 管理人
Custody and Care for Cargo 保管和照料货物
custody fee 保管费
custody transfer 运输监护
custody 保管
custody 保管监视
custom clearance permit 结关通行证
custom house broker 报关行
custom house certificate 海关完税证
custom house officer 海关人员
Custom House 海关
custom launch 海关小艇
custom of port 港口惯例
custom of port 港口习惯
custom of the port 港口惯例
custom office 海关
custom 习惯
customary  despatch 习惯装卸速度
customary average 一般海损赔偿
customary average 一般海损赔偿照常规办理
customary average 照常规办理单独海损免赔额
customary average 照常规办理单独海损名赔额
customary deductions 习惯磨耗
Customary International Law 习惯国际法
customary law 惯例法
Customary Law 习惯法
customary practice 惯例
customary quick despatch 按港口习惯尽快装卸按港口习惯尽速装卸
customary quick dispatch 习惯速遣
customary quick dispatch 习惯装卸速度
customary risk 惯常险
customary risks 惯用险别
customary route 传统航线
customary tare 惯用包装
customary 通常的
customary 习惯的
customarydespatch 习惯装卸速度
customer engineer 用户工程师
customer engineering 用户工程师
customer service 用户服务、用户业务
customer 客户
customer 用户
customhouse 海关
customs agency 报关行
customs and excise tariff 国内货物和关税税率
customs and excise 关税与国内货物税
customs and excise 关税与国内货物税海关税与货物税
customs and excise 海关税与货物税
Customs and Practice for International Trade 国际贸易惯例
customs appraiser 海关检查员
customs appraiser 海关检验员
customs area 海关境界
customs assigned number 海关所编号码
customs assigned number 海关所编号码海关指定号码
customs assigned number 海关指定号码
customs authorities 海关当局
customs bill of entry 海关进口船舶名单
customs bills of entry 海关进口船舶名单
customs boarding officer 登轮关员
customs boat 海关船
customs bond 海关保税
customs bond 海关罚款
customs bond 海关罚款海关保税
Customs Bonded Warehouse 海关保税仓库
customs broker 报关行
customs certificate 海关凭证
customs charges 海关税
customs clearance 海关出口许可证
customs clearance 海关出口许可证海关结关
customs clearance 结关
Customs Clearance 清关
Customs Co-operation Council nomenclature 海关联合委员会术语(关税货物标准术语
Customs Co-operation Council 海关合作理事会
Customs Convention on Containers 集装箱关务公约
customs convention on containers 集装箱海关公约
customs convention on containers 集装箱海关公约集装箱关务公约
customs Convention on the International Transit of Goods 国际货物运输报关公约
Customs Conventions on Containers 《集装箱海关公约》
Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature 海关合作理事会税则目录
Customs Cooperation Council 关税合作理事会
Customs Cooperation Council 海关合作理事会
customs cover 关封
customs cruiser 海关缉私艇
customs decision 海关处罚通知书
customs declaration entry 进口报关单
Customs Declaration for Duty 报税单
Customs Declaration for Entry of Goods 货物报关
customs declaration 报关单
customs declaration 海关申报单
customs depot 海关货栈
customs detention 海关扣留
Customs Dues 海关规费
customs duty 关税
customs entry 进口报告单
customs entry 进口报关手续
customs entry 进口报关手续进口报告单
customs examination list 海关验货单
customs examination 海关检查
customs examination 海关检查海关检验
customs examination 海关检验
Customs Excise Management At 1979 《1979年海关程和消费程管理法》
customs formalities 海关手续
customs free 免税
customs guard vessel 海关缉私船
customs guard 海关稽查员
customs guard 海关稽查员水上警察
customs harbour 海关港口
customs house 海关
customs information 海关资料
customs inspection 海关检查
customs inspection 海关检验
customs invoice 报关单
customs invoice 海关发票
Customs Law of the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国海关法
customs law 海关法
customs laws 海关法
customs limit 海关界
customs notice to ship's master 海关给船长的通告
customs number 海关编号
customs of port 港口习惯
customs of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国海关
customs officer 海关官员
customs officer 海关稽查员水上警察
customs officer 海关人员
customs on the International Transport of Good under Cover of TIR Carnets 国际公路运输条款规定的国际货运通过海关公约
customs paper 海关证件
customs patrol inspector 海关巡查员
customs patrol vessels 海关巡逻船
customs permit 海关许可证
customs preventive officer 海关缉私官员
customs regime 关税制度
Customs Registered Number 海关登记数码
customs regulations 海关规则
customs report 海关报告
customs report 海关报告海关进口船舶名单
customs report 海关进口船舶名单
customs revenue 海关检查
customs route 海关通路
customs seal 海关加封
Customs Seals 海关封志
customs search 抄关
customs search 海关检查
customs searching party 海关检查组
customs service 海关业务
customs service 海关业务海关总署
Customs Service 海关总署
customs shed 海关验货棚
customs supervision zone 海关监督区
Customs Surveillance Zone 海关监管区
Customs Survey Clause 海关检验条款
customs surveyor 海关检查员
Customs Tariff of Import & Export Commodities of PRC 中华人民共和国海关进出口税则
customs tariff 关税税率
customs transaction code 海关办理卡
customs union 关税同盟
Customs Valuation 海关估价
customs warehouse 海关仓库
customs warrant 保税提货许可证
customs warrant 海关免税提货单
customs waters 海关水域
customs wharf 海关码头
customs 海关
customs 海关关税
customs-free 免税
customs-house officer 海关人员
cut =off condition 截止状态
cut a feather 船首白浪
cut a sail 张帆
cut across 两船交叉航驶
cut and run 弃锚开航
cut and try process 逐次接近法
cut away the rigging 砍掉舱面帆具
cut away 砍掉;匆忙跑掉
cut away 砍掉匆忙跑掉切去
cut away 切去
cut cable 电缆端
cut cable 电缆端;电缆段
cut clearance (压力环
cut down a ship 改低船体
cut down the size of the vessel 削减吨位
cut file 截锉
cut frame 间断肋骨
cut image range finder 切像测距仪
cut image range finder 切象测距仪
cut in 接通;排入
cut in 接通开动插话
cut in 接通排入
cut into operation 接入工作
cut nail 方钉
cut off bias 截止偏压
cut off dam 截流坝
cut off dyke 截流堤
cut off frequency 截止频率
cut off high 切断高压
cut off limiting 截止限制
cut off low 切断低压
cut off out switch 切断开关
cut off out valve 停止阀
cut off out 关断;停汽;断流器
cut off out 关断停汽断流器
cut off relay 断路继电器
cut off valve 停止阀
cut off voltage 截止电压
cut off 截止
cut off 截止;断开电路;停汽;捷径
cut off 截止断开电路停汽捷径
cut out valve 停止阀
cut out 终止
cut over 转换
cut plane 剖面、截面
cut point 截点
cut rate 减费
cut rate 减费、减价
cut splice 两绳插接后留有眼环的插接法
cut surface 切割面
cut thread tap 不磨牙丝锥
cut tide 涨潮不足
cut up 船首尾部与龙骨交接处向上斜切部分;船头破浪处
cut up 船首尾部与龙骨交接处向上斜切部分船头破浪处


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